
bulthaup am mediapark
Bulthaup Köln GmbH
Spichernstraße 77
50672 Köln

Opening hours

Monday - Friday:
10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.

To make an appointment please contact us by phone or e-mail.

Eating with Africa
A cooking event with Maria Schiffner

Maria Schiffer embarked on a culinary journey of discovery, spending a year cooking in the everyday kitchens of ten African countries. From Morocco to Uganda and Sierra Leone to South Africa, her goal was to uncover what truly defines Africa.

The result of this fascinating journey is a cookbook filled with moving photos and about 50 personal recipes and stories from people from all walks of life, from nomads to gourmet chefs. An authentic work that offers us a unique insight through real stories and authentic African recipes.

At the bulthaup lead shop at Mediapark, this culinary masterpiece was brought to life. Maria Schiffer captivated guests at an exclusive cooking event, where she presented her unique recipes and stories from the book "EATING WITH AFRICA." This extraordinary cookbook led participants on an impressive journey through the diverse continent of Africa.

At our event, we were able to delve deep into the stories and traditions of African cooking culture and enjoy a menu cooked by Maria Schiffer. A true culinary journey that brought us closer to the diversity of Africa and immersed us in the African world through real stories and authentic recipes.

For more information about the cookbook, click here.